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Build confidence, gain clarity,
and take charge of your career.

The 6-Week Expansive Transformation Program

Join our live online course and master the skills, strategies, and tools you need to accelerate your career and achieve success on your terms.


Together, we'll get you there. 


Women supporting women.

Expansive Woman Project Women

In this course, you will...

Build Confidence

  • Overcome imposter syndrome, feelings of insecurity and/or other limiting beliefs and behaviors that have been holding you back.


  • Ground yourself in the truth of who you really are.


  • Stop seeking external validation and instead, trust yourself, your experience, and your intuition.

Gain Clarity

  • Better understand yourself and your  motivations. Make decisions and choices from a place of deep inner knowing.


  • Envision what's possible and set the direction for what's next for you and your career.


  • Understand how to motivate and influence others so you can navigate even the most emotionally challenging work cultures.

Belong to a


  • Build mutually supportive relationships with like-minded women that will stay with you long after the course is finished.


  • Among the generous and talented women in your cohort, you will find wisdom and inspiration.


  • You may even find your next job, or a cherished friendship.

Now is your time.

Ask for that raise. Go for that promotion. Apply for that big job.
Launch that challenging project. Start that new business.

It's all yours for the taking!


You have big dreams. But also, big fears.

You've worked hard to get where you are. But somehow, you know there must be more.


Sometimes you feel an internal battle - the desire to grow and take on bigger, more challenging roles so you can make a tangible impact on the world vs. the belief that you're not quite good enough or even deserving of such a life and career.


So, you don't put forward that bold idea, apply for that new job, start that business, or ask for that raise.


Instead, you make yourself small. You contract into what feels safe.


When we are small and contractive, we deny our own brilliance and talents. And we deprive the rest of the world of those things too. 


And that's a damn shame.


Because the world needs more of you, not less.


We need you to be big and expansive, not small and contractive. 


And that's what you'll work on here at the Expansive Woman Project.

Jamie Hogue

"Judy's thoughtful process coupled with the support of the other incredible women participating in the journey helped me wade through the external noise and unhelpful distractions keeping me from pursuing my true passion. I now have the confidence and mindset neccesary to create my own story and it feels incredible."

Jamie Hogue

COO, Hillcrest Energy Technologies

6-Week ExpansiveTransformation Participant

What our alumni are saying:

Atoosa Mahdavian

Atoosa Mahdavian

Senior Litigation Counsel


If you are someone who is looking to understand what motivates you (no matter where you are at in life) and who wants to learn and improve the way you approach people and problems, then look no further than the Expansive Woman Course.  Judy Sims is a passionate, perceptive and patient coach. She will help push you out of your comfort zone and guide you towards finding your core values. Ultimately that is what we need in order to lead more authentically.

Jenny Walker

Jenny Walker

Principal Strategist

Service Now

I took the 6-Week Expansive Transformation course to work through where my insecurities were coming from, to understand and lean into my strengths, and to help identify where I wanted to go next. I feel I was able to accomplish all of this and have come away from the course with tools that I will use as my life goals inevitably shift. Judy is an amazing woman who has "walked the walk" so to speak and I always found both her prepared materials and adhoc, situation specific guidance to be highly relevant and helpful.

Melissa Ruel

Melissa Ruel

Senior Geotechnical Engineer

CN Railways

The Expansive women project is a beautiful and valuable program. If you are looking for clarity about yourself, your career, your life, or if you are only hoping to connect with amazing women to discuss your journey, challenges or aspirations, this is the place to be! The program is well organized, the content is clear and highly professional, as well as insightful. Here, you will be challenged to dig into yourself, with the constant guidance of Judy and feedback from the group. This class gave me a sense a community as well as the motivation to reach out to my potential and make the steps to become the Great Woman I know I can be. Thank you Judy for building this amazing place and for being such a strong, enthusiastic and radiant person and coach! 

Allie Turow

Allie Turow

Paid Search Account Manager

Page Zero

Wow! What a breath of fresh air it was collaborating with Judy and the other exceptional women each week of the Expansive Woman Project. Judy created a safe space for us all to come, learn about ourselves, and collaborate on mutual and differing life experiences. Judy effectively taught us how to think about our true core values and how to apply them not only in the workplace, but our personal lives as well. She forced us to dig deep, which can be frightening yet rewarding. I left the course feeling more comfortable in being my authentic self, while also being more thoughtful about giving others the space to do the same. 

Do any of these situations feel familiar?

You want to be more confident, influential and impactful at work so you can progress to a new level.

You feel an internal battle - the desire to grow and take on bigger roles vs. the belief that you're not quite good enough or even deserving of such a life and career.

You're frustrated because you've been stuck in the same job, at the same level for longer than you'd like, but don't know how to move forward.

You're ready for a change, but have little clarity on what that change should be.

Good news!
This is where all that changes.

Thi Dao

"Now, almost everything I do revolves around my core values, which has made me much more confident in the work I do, the relationships I hold and who I am to my own self."

Thi Dao

Partnerships and Account Manager

Future of Good

6-Week Expansive Transformation Participant

What's it like to be an Expansive Woman?

You will be grounded in solid core values and purpose, yet open to new ideas, people, and situations. From this place, you will become hopeful, excited, and passionate about your life and career.


Rather than being influenced by externally determined rules about who and what you should be, you will experience a confidence that arises naturally as a result of being in alignment with your authentic self and who and what you choose to be.


You already have everything you need to be an expansive woman. Together, we’ll help you remember, rediscover, and reclaim her.


This is how we’re going to change the world.


One Expansive Woman at a time.

The 6-Week Expansive Transformation is an investment that will produce life-changing results, even if you are super busy in a demanding, fast-paced job.

You're in the right place if you're...


with the trajectory of your career and your life and you suspect you might be getting in your own way.


to stand up, take charge and make your mark on the world with confidence.


to commit the time, do the work and let go of patterns of belief and behavior that have been holding you back (even when it can feel deeply uncomfortable).

Meet your instructor.

Judy Sims
Founder of The Expansive Woman Project and the Center for Expansive Leadership

Judy's Blog

Judy's Book

More about Judy

Coach. Trainer. Talent Accelerator.

Judy is a pioneering leadership trainer and much sought-after leadership coach.


Her work has  benefited women across a wide range of industries such as finance, law, government, and technology, and organizations such as Google where she is an elite coach associated with the Google LEAD program supporting mid-career women as they prepare for senior roles. â€‹


Judy's mission is to change the world, one Expansive Leader at a time.

How we'll learn together:

Videos, exercises and in-class discussions

Each week, you'll unlock new content as you explore what's been holding you back and discover your expansive self. In class, we'll deepen your understanding as you and your cohort members ask questions and receive coaching from your instructor.

Peer-to-peer support and collaboration

This is where the magic really happens. Each session, participants are assigned a new accountability group who they will support and be supported by for the next week. In session, participants learn to support and coach each other. This builds the foundation for lasting relationships with fellow expansive women.

Weekly rhythm of learning and reflection

Tuesday: 1.5 hour live session (noon to 1:30 PM ET)


Thursday: New content released


​Sunday: Assignments due (optional)


Monday: Mutual feedback to/from cohort members

6 week course

2-3 hours per week time commitment

12 months access to content

Weekly live workshops

Mid-course live coaching office hour

Course Outline

Course outline:


Pre-course session

Meet your instructor and fellow cohort members for the first time. Learn about what to expect and how we'll work together.



Week 2

What's holding you back?

Discover the limiting patterns of belief and behavior that have been holding you back. Begin to understand how these patterns create internal conflicts  that keep you in a contractive state.


Week 4

Shifting into agency

Explore strategies and frameworks that will help you remain your full, expansive self no matter what the situation or circumstance. Learn to set boundaries, let go of what's not working, and to live joyfully in a world of complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity.

Week 6

Opening to possibility

Learn how to overcome internal resistance to your own personal development. Create a plan to help you reach new heights of achievement, growth, and contribution.

Week 1

Why you're here

Learn about career plateaus, perfectionism, should values, and imposter syndrome and how they are exacerbated by the contractive state and alleviated by the expansive state.



Week 3

Discovering your expansive self

This is a very big week! You'll explore the states of being and qualities of life and character that are most important to you. From here, you'll identify the unique set of 3 to 5 values that are core to who you are. This is the grounding that allows you to enter an expansive state. 

Week 5

Being your expansive self at work

Learn the art and science of influence, how to understand and manage difficult bosses, colleagues and clients, and how to co-create with those around you for outstanding results. 



Keeping what you've gained

Just as you might have a professional practice or a yoga practice, or a spiritual practice, expansiveness is a practice. Create your plan to ensure you experience expansiveness as often as possible.


You'll leave your expansive transformation with:

Expansive Woman Project Women

A renewed sense of who you are and what you want.

A strategy and direction for your life and career.

A network of like-minded expansive women.

We're waiting for you!


6-Week Expansive Transformation



  • Unlock access to the fun, engaging videos, reading and workbooks of our one-of-a-kind transformation program


  • Gain access to weekly live learning sessions with our founder, Judy Sims


  • Gain access to a mid-course office hours session where you will receive live coaching with Judy Sims


  • Connect with like-minded women and become a part of the expansive woman community


  • Keep access to all content for 1 full year


  • Build the confidence and clarity you need to succeed on your terms


It's all yours for the taking!

There's nothing more powerful in this world than a grown-ass woman in her full expansiveness.
Let's do this.

  • What is a cohort based course?
    A cohort-based program is a type of educational program where a group of students, often called a cohort, starts and finishes the program together. The program typically has a fixed schedule, set duration, and a specific curriculum that the entire cohort follows. The cohort progresses through the program together, taking the same classes, completing the same assignments, and participating in the same group discussions.
  • What kind of time commitment am I looking at?
    Watching videos, reading course content and completing the course workbooks will take 2 to 3 hours of your time per week.
  • When are the live sessions?
    Tuesday: 1.5 hour live session (noon to 1:30 PM ET) ​ Friday: Optional office hours (noon to 1:00 PM ET) ​ Sunday: Assignments due (11:59 PM PT) ​ Monday: Mutual feedback to/from cohort members
  • Will the course materials be available after the course ends?
    Yes! All course material will be available to you for one full year.
  • Who can join this course?
    We welcome all people who identify as women regardless of sexuality, ability, race, age, ethnicity, religion, or gender listed on their driver's license.
  • Will men ever be able to join this course?
    The short answer is no. Don't get me wrong - we think men are great! However, the content and safe space discussion for this particular course are customized to women.
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